My Hive tracking without Hive targets

Luckily this week has been a lot better than the last and I managed to add 9.40 HP to my stack. It's not a huge amount I know but it's fun to keep accumulating week after week.
I've had a bit more time this week as the kids are spending the day with their grandparents, walking, swimming in the river and playing with their friends. Still, in summer there are lots of interesting things to do that keep me distracted.
This week will be a bit like that too as I plan to go sailing a bit and do some diving as well.
Luckily the market is on the rise and that always puts everyone in a bit of a better mood in the market.

I keep increasing my passive yield tokens. The goal is that at some point my account becomes almost only passive with a post from time to time.
This week I have continued to increase my holdings of BRO and SORT.
I am also accumulating PIMP to enter their regular dividends.

I post on Hive mostly for entertainment so I don't have any goal in mind to achieve. If I get some small economic return, I will use it to pay for a hobby that I have that is not very cheap, photography.

So I will use the funds earned once a year to give myself a photographic whim. By the way, if you know of any website that accepts Hive or HBD as a form of payment, I would appreciate it. So everything stays in community.

I have a penchant for passive yield tokens so I use layer 2 earnings to buy them. I really like tokens like SIM, ALIVE, BRO, SORT or INCOME and I try to accumulate as many as possible.
