Dividendes ALIVE

Dear ALIVE token delegators,

We apologize for the delay compared to what we had announced. Today, we are finally sending you your ALIVE dividends.

To distribute a total of 300 according to the percentages we calculated, here are the amounts allocated to each name:

NomPourcentage (%)Montant attribué

Thus, each name receives a proportional share of the total 300 based on the previously calculated percentages.


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🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Exercise for a Stroke Survivor

If a person survives a stroke event and is not disabled, he should go for short-interval HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) instead of Moderate intensity training sessions.

A recent study published in the Stroke journal shows us the benefits of HIIT over moderate-intensity exercise. The HIIT sessions consisted of intense 60-second workouts followed by 60 seconds of lighter work for recovery.

Talya Fleming, MD, the medical director of the Stroke Recovery Program and Aftercare Program at JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison, New Jersey, United States, provided commentary on the study results:

"In general, moderate-intensity exercise has been thought to be safer and more sustainable after stroke compared to high intensity. But more recent studies have been showing that HIIT is beneficial too."

The more details are in the following WebMD article


