


Epilepsy or seizure disorder is one of the most common neurological disorders in the world,Epilepsy is a brain disorder which causes unprovoked and recurrent seizures in people. A seizure is a sudden surge of excessive electrical activity or impulses into your brain.
Although in this part of the world it is mostly characterized as a supernatural manifestation or possession,due to a lot of misconceptions and ignorance, epileptic patients in Africa have endured stigmatization from people around them ;could be friends,family or the society.
Contrary to the belief of witchcraft and the supernatural,Epileptic seizures can be caused by - Brain trauma

  • Brain conditions (stroke or tumor)
  • Prenatal injury
  • Infectious diseases
  • Alcoholism and
  • Drug use.

studies have indicated that male adolescents are more at risk of this disorder,epilepsy can also be passed down from the family.
Before a doctor diagnoses a patient with epilepsy,there are certain tests which will be carried out on the individual, this tests can be carried out in the form of blood tests, imaging tests,neurological tests and a review of the patient's medical history.
It is always recommended for people experiencing epileptic symptoms to go for an Electroencephalography (EEG) scan which is used to measure the electrical activity or impulses in the brain, a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can also be conducted to abnormalities in the brain.



Symptoms to look out for in a person who might be suffering from seizure disorder can range from

  • fainting or fatigue
  • Convulsions
  • Muscle contractions or spasms,some patients could also suffer from
  • Excess sleepiness,
  • Staring spells,
  • Frequent headaches and
  • Anxiety or depression.

Some seizures occur constantly and during different times of the day. This triggers differ from individual to individual but the most common triggers are stress,lack of sleep,tiredness,alcohol,lack of medications and flashy lights,in order to avoid or reduce this seizures,you need to identify what triggers this seizures and how to avoid it.
To avoid a fatal accident,it is advised that epileptics should avoid high places,working with heavy machinery,driving,avoid triggering media or emotional situations,reduce or completely avoid caffeine or psychoactive foods.
This seizures can be properly managed and treated by placing the patient on anti-seizure medications,after the doctor confirms that it is indeed epileptic seizures. Although it is advised to for pregnant women or women who plan on getting pregnant to inform their doctors as some anti seizure medications are known to cause birth defects.



  • Anti siezures

Other form of treatments can come in the form of

  • Diet therapy,the patient is most likely to be placed on a ketogenic diet,a ketogenic diet is a special high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that helps to control seizures in some people with epilepsy.

  • In a case whereby none of the above mentioned treatments works for a patient,surgery can be considered. Surgery is a safe and effective treatment option in a situation whereby two or more anti-seizure medications cannot control the seizures.

Surgery can be carried out to remove an abnormal tissue in the brain or to disconnect fiber bundles that connect areas in the brain. Stereotatic brain radiosurgery which targets destruction of abnormal brain tissue can also be an option. All these treatments options can be used to effective manage epilepsy,although it takes time.

There is a lot of stigmatization for epileptics living in African communities,they are shunned by members of the communities and deprived of common privileges like marriage,jobs and positions in the society, they can also be subjected to brutal treatments methods.
The stigma and ostracization associated with this ailment is as a result of the myth surrounding it. some people even believe that the disease is contagious through an infected person’s sweat, saliva or underwear. Common misconceptions surrounding epilepsy in the African societies can be greatly avoided through adequate education and sensitization of people living around us.
Science has debunked this myths and proven to us that epilepsy is infact not a supernatural phenomenon as some believe it to be and epileptics do not pose as a threat to us.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes recurring seizures. It can affect people of all ages. If you or someone you know has epilepsy, it's important to seek medical help for proper diagnosis and treatment. Stay safe and take care!



Image sourced from freepik


The myths and the stigmatization surrounding this condition especially in the african setting is something to be battled with, but i must say you did a great job with the education, thank you


Make sure that your content is crypto related or it will be downvoted for visibility. This is a crypto platform remember we are breaking the ice on DeFi, not healthcare.

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Alright, I would avoid using brk tags for all none crypto related posts then!!
