My Actifit Report Card: June 5 2024


Hey Actifitters,

Once again, the weather forecast yesterday wasn't very accurate. They did mention they'd be thunderstorms, but they were completely off on the timing. As a result, I missed the opportunity to go for a walk before it started. So we just enjoyed the storms from inside. That's when I noticed a group of deer in the backyard, half a dozen or so. They seemed very frightened by the loud thunder and heavy rain. Some of them didn't really move, but one at least kept munching on branches! I wish I could have helped them, but there's really nothing I could have done.

This was a pretty intense storm, but it didn't last too long and the sun was back later in the afternoon when we started our long walk with Kaia.

When we arrived in the forest, it looked as though the trails may be okay.

But we quickly found mostly flooded trails.

Guess who was very happy about it!!

That makes for nice reflections at least.

When we went back into the forest after our Cubiverse detour, even the usually dry areas were flooded as well.

And new broken trees and other signs confirmed the intensity of the storms.

One more splash around and we were on our way back.

It was too far from home to be one of the earlier deer, but this one looked much more comfortable.

The sunset colors were once again beautiful during our loops in the neighborhood to finish our walk.

When we made it home, I saw a tree fell on the neighbors roof, and crews were working on it. Apparently not too much damage fortunately.
I decided to add a short run to the day's activities, shorter but faster than the last couple ones. Just a few blocks North of the forest, I recognized a familiar noise: generators. Yep, several blocks were out of power. I guess we got lucky at home, no damage that I could see.

As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Running, Walking


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