Day of 2024-09-10

Yesterday, I started my day with a refreshing bike ride, something that’s quickly becoming a favorite morning routine. The weather was perfect—cool and slightly breezy—which made the ride all the more enjoyable. It felt great to get out and move before the day’s work set in, giving me a burst of energy and mental clarity.

Lately, PEPE has been a bit sluggish, and I’m hoping to see more movement soon. It's been frustrating watching it plateau without much action, especially when the market had so much buzz around it before. On a more positive note, Hive’s price has been consistently over 16 cents, which is encouraging. The steady rise in Hive gives me some confidence, balancing out the slower performance of PEPE. With Hive showing such stability, it feels like a good time to stay optimistic about future growth and market shifts.

To wind down, I took the dog for a walk at the end of the day. It was a peaceful, quiet stroll, which gave me a chance to relax and reflect on everything I accomplished. The streets were calm, and the cool evening air was refreshing, helping me unwind after a busy day. Walking the dog is always a good way to clear my head and enjoy a moment of stillness.


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🩺Today's Medical/Health TitBit🩺

Non-drug management of IBS

During college life, our professor of medicine said that if a specialist gets a patient with IBS, his chamber practice is under great threat! Patient will sit outside of the chamber and talk with other patients about how the specialist couldn't cure him/her!

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is such an illness that it is quite difficult to cure! It needs a super personalized management approach. The symptoms and the triggering factors widely vary from patient to patient! Christine Lee, MD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition discussed some non-drug management options for a patient with IBS. The Link

She mentioned 6 major points:

  • Doing regular exercise
  • Adding IBS-friendly foods to the diet
  • Avoiding triggering foods
  • Getting Enough Sleep
  • Drinking enough water
  • Living a stress-free life


