Secret battle mage challenge: Rise of the commons


Hey summoners I'm sure you're having fun! With rebellion set of card collection competing in the arena has always been fun, keep stacking those cards for more awesome game play in the arena.

Today's battle ruleset rise of the commons, gives summoners ability to come up with lineup monsters of choice there are no much restrictions except the use of legendary monster in this ruleset it gives average monster in splinterland to showcase their skills in the battle arena leaving out the legendary league its more of legendary heroes watching rookies compete in the arena.

For this ruleset only common and rare monster will be used in the arena summoners are not affected by this ruleset using multiple tactic summoners, range, melee snipe and opportunity monsters are allowed in this ruleset unlike other ruleset that requires use of specific card collection. Basically this ruleset is very straightforward although it's requires some strategy to defeat an opponent as usual since an opponent can combine multiple ability monster for this ruleset one will need to come up their strategy in order to defeat an opponent.


In this battle I came up with good combination of fire element monster against my opponent below is the battle link for this ruleset watch and be entertained.

Battle link

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle ruleset


Only common and rare will be used. This ruleset is kinda straightforward only legendary monster cannot be used in this ruleset although common and rare monsters are unpredictable as they are also unique with special abilities, for this ruleset summoners are unaffected this makes it hard for players to predict their opponent as multiple abilities monster can used in this ruleset.


Battle detail


For this ruleset 34 mana cost cap was used for both players to come up with their lineup monster I used fire element monster to come up with my lineup while my opponent used life element monster for this ruleset my set of lineup monster are very formidable which could give my opponent very slim chance of winning.

For this ruleset TINDERLOCK combine with my sneak and opportunity monsters did champion the battle my opponent couldn't stand my come up strategy.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo53HdMXBt4iktXYWqxP5g23z9xRNCtQB7Sk4W2YVgXHRqFxfYEFPH9GS99CF5vHXXbptXT9EBmKVkjEBHyhknY4XqYVcvtxnwp (1).png

Battle lineup


TORCH MYRMIDON my first lineup tank for this ruleset is a rebellion monster a range monster with high speed it can attack from any position which is rare for most range attacking monster it flank ability gives monster next to it flank ability with armour and good health it is very suitable for tank position.


TENYII STRIKER next monster in my lineup is a sneak attacking monster it attacks monsters from backline with it good speed and slashing attack it can easily eliminate opponent monsters as it can attack from any position.


SERPENTINE SPY opportunity monster is my next lineup monster it attacks opponent lineup monster with lowest health with it high splashing power and speed it very formidable.


GOBALANO SOLDIER for this ruleset I came up with double sneak attacking monster GOBALANO SOLDIER is a sneak attacking monster it ambush ability it can attack another monster before battle commence.


TINDERLOCK Another range attacking monster it can attack from any position with it double ability it gain plus 50% stats when its last monster in the arena.


RADIATED SCORCHER my last lineup monster for this ruleset it can only attack from first position.


My strategy

My lineup monsters for this ruleset seem quite very intimidating could make my opponent freak out, my first lineup monster with flank ability and range attack ability to strike from any position looks cool it will attack my opponent tank my two sneak attacking monster will strike my opponent backline making their backline defence very weak my opportunity monster will as well get rid of any weak opponent monster while my TINDERLOCK could serve as backup should incase I loss all my monsters it will also be attacking my opponent frontline monsters.

This strategy has very good combo of monster double range monsters that can attack from all position, double sneak attacking monster and an opportunity monster.

My strategy worked out perfectly as both monster did strike hard to get rid of my opponent frontline monsters it was a very swift and easy win.

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo53HdMXBt4iktXYWqxP5g23z9xRNCtQB7Sk4W2YVgXHRqFxfYEFPH9GS99CF5vHXXbptXT9EBmKVkjEBHyhknY4XqYVcvtxnwp (1).png

Battle arena

It's a battle of six against six my opponent with their life element monster don't seem very well prepared for this battle or they might have underestimated my come up strategy for this ruleset the battle lasted three rounds.


My monsters gave the first strike with my ambush sneak monster taking hold of the battle, my opponent couldn't strike much as the battle ended in three rounds.

I emerge victorious at the end of the battle leaving my opponent to taste defeat.

Battle link

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo5DjrHr5ohicsPyafqWykbEf2DJMmZXRj6KPc8h1i3nkDcZ2Pkr3GYbpXLiL6DE2GcroJQkcPDPQr5xvr24NSvxiNPEkTCWvKg (2).png
