RE: Why in my opinion getting some Dhedge might be a good idea


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btw if someone got vote from the tip bot wouldn't it be better to block the engine votes from the queu because the voting % could be lower and if it's higher the tribe token account would loose VotingPower

And some other questions : What language you use for you project ? (i'm really interested in learning a coding langauge but yeah if i can use it on hive its even better :)
Do you have to host the project like on a server or you can just run the scrips (i believe these are scripts) on your computer ?

Maybe these question are stupid or false, idk i Always been interested in all coding tthing but in the last 16 years of my life (even if the 13 first yeas i wasn't technically able to start to code because i hadn't a pc) i never found both the motivation and the info to code but yeah if i know how i can do a cool project like that it would motivate me to learn something like that (sorry for long and boring text even you probably don't care :)


It depends on the situation, I'm thinking maybe a delay for command votes, to allow the best situation without waste.

Written mostly in python, but a few other languages as well.

Hosted mostly on a server, some runs on my linux box here.

There's a learn to code python video I found on the internet a few years ago. By the end of that night I coded up a token lottery that runs in discord... Python is easy, so easy I'm sad I didn't learn sooner. Find yourself a learn to code python video, one that's gonna be about 3-6 hours long, set aside the time and follow the instructions, then take what you learned and apply it to whatever the hell you wanna including this blockchain.


Cool for my birthday i got a 750 pages book for learning python ig it will work too, well i will do my coding experiment then Thanks ✨
