Big Risk Or Nah?


It’s almost a year since my sister and my cousin left Nigeria to the UK for a better opportunity because they couldn’t find an opportunity in Nigeria. Most of them went to the UK, abandoned all their hopes and dreams in Nigeria, to settle for a different job they never thought they would do. My sister is very enthusiastic about art and interior decorating, I am very enthusiastic about crypto. My sister’s enthusiasm towards art and interior decoration kinda stopped when she relocated because, living in the UK involves paying bills and paying rent. We don’t know what the future holds, if she is going to deviate from being a health care worker to continuing her art and interior decorating dream.


Working and being happy with what you do is one of the best feelings one can have as a human being, and at my current age, I can’t imagine doing something I don’t love. Before u found crypto, I had no idea what to do with my life, but for the past 6 years, after I found crypto, I have been really happy with my crypto journey. Unfortunately, I haven’t hit my crypto financial goal to help me explore and achieve other goals. But it’s something I love doing and don’t mind doing it for a long time. But it’s a big risk right now because I am still young and I have the option to either choose relocating to the UK and get a health care job or keep grinding on the crypto space. I don’t know what the future holds, in the next 2 years, my life would be better and I will be glad I chose crypto who knows?

Betting on yourself is one of the biggest risk especially when you have a lot of people having opinions on how you should live your life. I am in support of doing whatever suits and living your life the way you like, because if you take another person’s advise, and things dont go as planned, who would you blame? Well, this is my journey and I am taking the risk.
