Environment & Productivity


Do you agree with me that your environment helps boost your productivity no matter what you are trying to do? I don’t know, I might just be projecting, who knows? But let me explain better, for 4 years I Have managed to maintain a healthy relationship between gym and working from home.some times I get s busy, I tell myself that I will work when I get to the gym, I go to the gym and end up not doing a thing about work and focus more on gym. . Then on days where I am feeling too lazy to go to the gym, I end up telling myself that I will work out at home. I end up not working out at home.


Here is my conclusion, the environment you are in, determines how productive you will be, because our brain, or rather my brain has a way of associating my productivity with my productivity. My brain is not used to working at the gym, so no matter what I do, it won’t work. Because of the noise, the distractions, and my working out activity. In my house, my brain is used to the not working out, just on my laptop working, so working out makes my brain feel weird. But if I keep training my brain to adapt, my brain will adapt as adaptation is part of the brain’s feature too.

I understand why people have a home office, designing a room in their house to look an office so their brain can concentrate better to be more productive. Especially when they are used to certain working environment. Just my 2 cent while I work and keep contemplating if I should consider going to the gym today or not.
