How Do You Balance Financial Desire?

Desire is that feeling of feeling uncomfortable before we attain it, we find ourselves at an unhappy state for a long time until we get what we want. Most people have different desires, but most people desires are tied to money. Sometimes emotional desires can be gotten with money, for instance, if you want to impress your crush or love interest, you can do that with money, by buying them gifts and stuff just to impress them. But this is only possible and achievable if you have gotten your financial desire which is getting your money first. But what if you are still in the stage of trying to attain financial desires? How do you get other desires that depends on financial desires?

Attaining financial desire is the root of accumulating other desires. And this can be a good feeling or bad feeling depending on how you act on it. Desires are the reasons a lot of people have done so many things they are not proud of to get what you want. One thing about having desires is that you will constantly be unhappy till you get, and human wants and desires is insatiable, after you attain one desire, you start desiring another. How much money is enough to desire, how much can you get and be satisfied with yourself and your financial achievements. Look at all the billionaires out there, they are constantly and consistently working hard to make more money.

Humans naturally have to have desires to function, look at most of your achievements, how did you achieve them? You got them because you desired them, you were so unhappy with yourself because you didn’t have them and you know working hard to achieve them is the way. So you worked hard and achieved them, but now you have bigger financial desires and how can you balance that? Lower your expectations and giving yourself some reality check is the best way to balance it, because it’s okay to have goals and work towards your goal, but worshiping your financial desires and being desperate towards them just puts you in a state where you might remove logical reasons to differentiate between doing the good and the bad. Prioritize your goals and be as realistic as possible, remember to discipline yourself and work in accordance to your morals. Don’t use desires as an excuse to steal or scam anyone to achieve your financial desires.

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Desires are both scary and useful, and like you said, it depends on how we act on them. We would agree that a lot of things have gone wrong because of the desires humans grow within them.

But then, we can't do without it except we want to stop growing or achieving from little to great things in life.


Financial desires make me think about the law of attraction. Only I usually add to this that you have to have attainable desires first, especially if it is short term that we want to do it.

My financial desire if you ask me is pretty humble, that is, I want to simply have peace of mind. I would like to make ends meet, pay off all utility and rent debts and be able to save even 10% of my finances for who knows, some emergency or trip.

However it doesn't mean that I don't think big, it's just that currently having so much financial desire doesn't fit with my reality and the economy in general.


you are judging based on your current state, who knows how your desires will grow when you achieve your current desire


We all have desires and it is what makes many of us do things to make sure we achieve them but what differentiate us from others is how desperate they are to get what they desires and the end result is always unpalatable.

It's good to desire things especially attaining financial goals but we must be able to balance things in a way that we won't have to be disappointed when our expectations aren't met.


I consider myself a person with great financial desires, I have many goals that I want to achieve but the limiting factor is always money, and I try to go after it, but I think it is faster. I am still learning how to manage my money in an intelligent way, it is difficult when you don't know much about finances and management or investments. But I am sure it is not impossible, the important thing is to be balanced and objective.


The issue of financial desires is something that we must put the magnifying glass well, many go for great aspirations and end up losing interest in what is most important, for example, family and even their own health.

It is true that money is a protection, but we must be balanced in what price we are going to get it.


Desire is one thing that many people do not fully get an understanding of. I learnt that the satisfaction that comes from these desires are short-lived. After that short moment, you're already yearning for something else. This alone proves that human need are really insatiable.

On the other hand, those who do illegal things like scam people, just to fulfill their desires are doing themselves more harm than good. Because once they begin, the urge to continue will always linger.


Everyone has desires for one thing or the other which is fine and I also see it as a great way to achieve our set goals. However, lowering expectations and finding the best way to handle our desire can create a good balance while still achieving the set goals without getting involved in scams or being desperate to attain a certain level.


Desires are necessary and almost impossible to ignore, because they usually go hand in hand with the need and therefore these desires will affect our life in general, either by the discouragement that can cause us or also by the desire that can generate us that specific desire in order to fulfill it.

Finding a balance in any case is never easy, the balance usually leans more to one side. And if we talk about desires it is even more difficult because human nature simply always wants more and society teaches us not to be conformists.
