How To Disconnect Your Twitter From Any Crypto Twitter Connection

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In the spirit of hunting for airdrops, I have connected my twitter to a lot of crypto projects for twitter verifications and lots of People have claimed to have gotten their wallets hacked through twitter. So I decided to disconnect my twitter from some certain connections that I dont feel safe with. Its pretty easy, always check this especially if you are a crypto airdrop hunter like me. Few days ago the traitsniper airdrop flooded crypto twitter timeline, lots of people tried to claim the trait sniper airdrop. Some connected their twitter to the trait sniper platform, rumour has it that may be the trait sniper is fake or something, but to be safe, its better to use to revoke any smart contract and also disconnect your twitter from the platform. This way, if you claimed the airdrop, if the airdrop turns out to be legit, you get some airdrop, but if it turns out fake, your wallet is safe regardless.

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To disconnect your twitter from any site or app connection, all you have to do is go to or or go to the app, but I will be using the site to demonstrate. When you are on the site, click on settings and privacy. This will take you to the settings and privacy part.

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When you are there, search for security and access. After you have clicked on that, then click on Apps and sessions.

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Click on connected apps next to see all the apps you have connected your twitter with.

It will display all the apps you have connected with your twitter. Click on the apps you would like to disconnect and revoke permission.

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I hope this helps you, after you have done this and you still dont feel safe, change your twitter password, to keep your twitter safer. Heard so many hack stories that occurred through twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


This post would really be of great help help to users who do not know how to go about it.
Thanks for sharing.
