The Buy 1 Get 1 Free Scam

Have you ever seen the offer buy one get one free and all of a sudden you feel like buying because you feel you are about to cheat the seller? Well I think I am the right person to break it to you right now that it’s all a facade, because technically, you are paying the same price. I used to buy pizza from this pizza place for $8 per pizza box, but suddenly the price skyrocketed to $20 per pizza box and I stopped buying because it’s obviously becoming too expensive for me to afford. A friend of mine told me that the pizza place is doing a buy one get one free promo for $20, being that it’s been so long you have eaten pizza and you love the pizza so much you don’t mind paying $20 for two even though few months ago they would have cost $16 but now you rather pay $20 for two than pay $20 for one.


But lots of people don’t know that, they don’t know that when something is being advertised as buy one get one free, they have been a tweak in the system. The tweak is, most companies or organisations do buy 1 get 1 free when it’s a product that isn’t doing so well, either through price increase that makes it unaffordable to people or may be there is a better competition out there. When the price of a product is increased and the company is too proud to reduce the price back, they some time go to buy 1 get one free, this can help in two ways. It helps people who used to buy it at a lower price buy it again, then it’s another form of advertising to those people who are new to it to try it for the first time. When they try it and they like it, they find theirselves buying it even though it’s expensive.

My friend once bought burger from burger kings because he saw buy 1 get 1 free for $4 but when the burger arrived, he got two $2 burgers, technically he just got two $2 burgers, did he really get one for free? Just the same way vendors behave during Black Fridays, they spike the prices of goods before Black Friday, then on Black Friday they are sold at their original price and putting the spiked price as the former price. It’s all mind games.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You've said it all. The game is all in our mind. If we think we are getting something for cheap we are always going to want to buy than when we think we are paying too much.
