They Call You Lucky

Unofficially I have been in the crypto space for 6 years, but officially I have been in the crypto space for 3 years. I started taking crypto seriously in 2021 and started my airdrop journey in late 2022, but being in the crypto space just shows you that most times crypto doesn’t reward the smartest person, doesn’t reward the person that has been in the crypto space the longest but rather rewards the consistent ones, sometimes some people were at the right place at the right time and got lucky. But while we are at that, let’s forget that not everyone who is successful should be called lucky. Calling someone lucky feels like discrediting their years of hard work and effort and making it seem like they got it on a platter by being lucky.


You come online and see a rich man who has accumulated wealth over time and because you see them wearing an expensive watch or driving an expensive car you conclude that they are lucky. Yes luck has some role to play in their success because we have extremely hardworking men that are not successful because they were not lucky to have that big break, but that doesn’t mean that hard work should be discredited. A successful person doesn’t pop out of no where, even if they do, the chances of them popping out of no where is quite small. So whenever you see a successful person and you are admiring them, also think of the hard work they must have done behind the scenes.

This is just a reminder to keep doing what you are doing until you get to where you are, don’t compare yourself to another person because they became successful before you. It’s not easy because as humans we are competitive and always on the feeling to being the best in our heads, if it took someone lesser time to achieve what you are working so hard to achieve, it doesn’t mean you are a failure.
