Twitter Temporary Restrictions Sucks


This is one of those days where I wish Hive was Twitter of Twitter was highly decentralized. We all know that Twitter has never remained the same since Elon Musk bought it and became the new CEO. First restrictions became higher, people pay for blue badges now and then there is the period human captcha verification that is tiring. I don’t like the fact that Twitter can just log me out and tell me to relogin and verify captcha even though I have done that over so many times.


Today I woke up feeling very productive, Twitter is where I get most of my crypto news and airdrop information from. I was going about my day business as usual, when my Twitter logged me out and told me to verify the captcha to prove I am human once again. I clicked on the link, after few seconds I noticed the site was lagging, so I decided to use my phone, while trying to use my phone I was hit with the too many attempts message. Now I can’t do anything but wait till my Twitter gets unrestricted.

This could be a glitch, but this is a glitch because someone is in control, if it was a trust-less system, this won’t be an issue. I don’t have much to type or say, just pissed and hoping my Twitter will be back. Thanks for reading.
