U2U Testnet Airdrop Tasks


Here again to give you another testnet airdrop tasks where you don’t have to break the bank to do. You can start with $0, have a laptop, an internet and you are good to go.

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First go to the U2U faucet to get some testnet tokens. Input your address in the address bar, solve the I’m not a robot captcha and request for faucet. Now you have some faucet tokens, it’s time to interact. To interact, you can go to this U2U Quest, connect your wallet and you will see a lot of quest that requires lots of interactions on this new chain. Interact with all the ones you can, to create more transaction history.

Remember don’t have high expectations, it’s a testnet, nothing is promised, you can do this in your free time, you are welcome.

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You can go to the Reward section, and claim NFT rewards for your interactions.
