Web 3 Has Had A Drastic Change In Less Than 5 Years

One of the reasons I was really excited about web 3 in 2021 was because of the promise that the space made. Lots of people and content creators predicted that in the future the web 3 space will give us so many features that the Web 2.0 is not giving us. I can remember being really excited, because I just figured out that Web 3.0 will give us metaverse soon where all digitalised assets like NFTs will have a better use case and value. I can remember when I got my first NFT, I thought it was my acceptance and introduction to the crypto space.


Previously we were promised that Web 3.0 will destroy Web 2.0, the internet will be rebuilt by Web 3.0, which is high decentralisation that gives everyone power over their own content and assets. Social media will be fixed, decentralised and will incentivise all creatives and owners of content. We felt more powerful, couldn’t wait for more Web 3.0 projects to launch, we thought about governance and I felt like that was the best idea and that brings us closer to decentralisation. But I noticed that a lot of projects that have governance tokens but don’t actually participate in governance any more. Their token for governance is just for trading and fancy.

Today, most of us have forgotten the reason we came to Web 3.0, we are here to gamble and hope we make profit from it, people are buying meme coins, participating in IDOs and hoping they make a huge profit from it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Alto porcentaje de idiotez que vivimos como sociedad y planeta!!!


That meme is very accurate because it shows the weak men are invading the space quite a bit. They have far less principles than the people before them, let’s hope we can turn it around!
