Why Are You Still Here?

Tried checking on some authors here on Leofinance who used to be consistent here before, and I realised that a lot of them have fallen off, and kind of quit hive. They may not have necessarily quit but have stopped posting like before. For obvious bear market reasons, people are not making as much money as they used to make before, people are not getting as much upvotes as they used to get before, so quitting is the next option. I have been posting here on Hive consistently for the past two years, and its been an interesting journey, right now it has turned to a lifestyle. My day feels incomplete without a hive post, no matter how my day turns out, I try to make at least one post.


Recently I have been asking myself, why am I still here showing up and writing, after everything I do, Hive still comes first, writing a post on Hive gives me this satisfactory feeling, gives me this sense of purpose, I feel like I am building on Hive and its a great feeling. Hive helped me during my depression stage two years ago, as writing posts on Hive was my only escape from my depression. I feel fulfilled at the end of the day after making a post on Hive. Aside that, I am still here because I believe in the Hive space, the technology and the future. I know that we are going to make a lot of money in the future when Hive pumps, because that will be the reward for being an early adopter and investor. That alone keeps the fire burning.

While asking myself why I am still here, I couldn’t help but ask myself why I am still in crypto even while we are still in the bear market. Crypto is still in its 14 years in existence stage, a lot of people join the crypto space with expectations that crypto will make them rich in a short time. When they dont see this result, they give up, forgetting that good things take time. Some [people have seen huge financial break through and result from crypto, while some haven’t seen yet. All these within the 14 years crypto existence, now imagine the crypto space and results when we start celebrating 20 to 30 years of crypto existence. I have learnt that if you keep doing what you are doing with passion, you will always find a reason to keep doing and grow. So passion for crypto is the reason I am still here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


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I saw Hive's mind-blowing potential pretty much as soon as I arrived here 1 year, 10 months, 1 week, and 3 days ago, and the longer I'm here, and the deeper I go, the more passionate I become! I love and believe in Hive, and I'm all in for the long haul here! Onward and upward, together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


This is nice, nice to see people show passion for Hive


Thank you! I'm grateful that you appreciate it! I think that we need lots more passionate Hive people! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


I am among the people who had fallen off but now back.
I know the bear market has affected almost everyone and it is natural to seek other alternatives hehe.

There is a way Hive kind of brings you back even after how long you take without being on it, just like it did to me.

Just like you are, I see so much potential in Hive and I am sure many of the authors who left will come back.

Btw the combination of your username and the title of this post made me click on your post.

I read it as " Read this please, why are you still here" Hahaha



Lol, glad my catchy name caught your attention. Thank you for reading my post.


I am still on Hive even if I do not post consistently. I think you are probably right about people leaving because the rewards aren't as good. But I think also some of it is that once your account grows to a certain size, it tends to grow on its own. Obviously, one could earn more by continuing to post consistently. But it's less urgent.


Great article...... I mostly focus on other projects like icebreaker and somee that are connected to hive...

Posted using IceBreak
