My Token Goals: Hive | LEO | Other Tokens


As I've mentioned above, I have a goal for my tokens just like Hive, Leo, and other tokens. It's not for a short term but for a long term because I know that the price for these tokens will pump as the Bitcoin price will also pump or maybe not. We don't know but one thing is for sure is that, there will be a time that HIVE, Leo, and other tokens will pump in the future.

I believe that setting a goal for myself is a way to grow my assets and not only that, It will give me a vast opportunity that these tokens will give a high ROI in the future.


For my Hive Power, I have currently have 418HP in writing. Compared to my post last May 1st which was HPUD day at that time. My HP goal for the month of May was surpassed and it was 300HP at the end of May but I have now 418HP and counting.


From the last post that I made last May 1 for my goals up until today, that was 169HP and as of writing I got 418HP on my account. A difference of 249 HIVE POWER was increased after my last post.


Having this big HP increased will also increase my goal because I set my goal to 300 for my total Hive Power on the month of May exceeded my expectation. Now, I have got to my goal to a higher one. This time, my goal for this year will be 5,000.

Increasing my Hive Power will also increase my vote value and I will get more curation rewards from the Hive Power. So, I rent some Hive Power in the Hive-engine and from arcadeph so that I can get higher curation and I also get Hive Power as a curation reward that will also increase my Hive Power at a later time.

I am currently 8.36% of my total goal which is 5,000. It's a long journey that I will take but it's better to have a set goal for myself to keep myself motivated at all times.



I recently knew about Leo tokens and its community and currently, I have currently 50 Staked Leo tokens now and it was from my 1st LPUD day that I participated last May 15th.


For my Staked Leo, my goal for my Staked Leo is 1,000 which was written in my LPUD post. I know that LEO have lots of projects that they do and that's what I like about Leo tokens. I believe that Leo tokens price will get back into it's highest value because of it's constant development on their platform and their activeness into the community.

I am now 5% of my total goal of my Staked Leo and I hope that this will continue to grow in the next few days.


These are the other tokens that I think I will invested more in the future because it's not just one token but lots of them. Since this is my first time of writing my goal for the other token. I will start on writing on my current tokens that I have.

TokenStartingLast weekGoal% to the Goal

This goal is not a month long but at the end of the year. These are the tokens that I think that they are good for investment. I've got a long way to go to other tokens but I keep filling them up until I reach my goal. I will need to focused these tokens that have the lowest % to the goal.

I like to motivate myself on making this goal myself. One thing that I really do is researching them first before I put my investment into them because If I don't research them first, I may lost my investment in the future. I think they are great for my investment in the future and will grow in the future.

Note: Don't consider my article as an investment advice. I'm only sharing them to you so that you will know where did I invest.

The first Photo was edited by myself using Canva PRO




Posted Using InLeo Alpha


418 hive power is really a good digit. Keep on accelerating with speed and with ambition. Hard work always pays off.


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.


That's a great start for Leo. I'm sure it will reward you in the future.


HIVE POWER is the main goal.
