A historical treasure among ruins and nature in Morelos

An exception to the usual sugar industry of the haciendas in the Mexican state of Morelos is San Jacinto Ixtoluca. This hacienda, very important in the region during the 16th century, was dedicated to refining the minerals obtained from the Sierra de Huautla. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to Ixtoluca, and today only various ruins remain. However, these vestiges contain a unique and melancholic charm that makes them of enormous tourist interest.

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In Ixtoluca, for example, there is a large roofless enclosure, crossed by monumental aqueduct arches, sheltered by the strange embrace of branches of the amates that grow freely in the place. The owners of this site, a group of important ejidatarios, have installed a couple of swimming pools, rooms for lodging, and an excellent restaurant near the Hacienda's main building. There are also spaces for camping.

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