From a historic passenger stop to a modern cultural and business centre

From 1603 to 1868, Shinagawa was considered a mandatory stop for travelers heading to Kyoto. In fact, during this period, that is, during the Edo period, it was known as Shimazumaya.

Thus, it is important to mention that this is where the important Sony company was born and where its main offices are currently located. In addition, Shinagawa stands out for having a great service of hotel chains close to the train station.

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On the other hand, regarding the cultural part of the district, we will find the Sengakuji Temple, which has a museum in memory of the 47 loyal samurai; in addition, the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, which is only 15 minutes walk from Shinagawa station and has a truly luxurious art collection.

Regarding accommodation, I recommend the Shinagawa Hotel, which has different buildings of different categories ranging from 3 to 5 stars. It is a hotel complex, something like a mini-city, with different distractions such as restaurants, gym, bars, cinemas, shops, museums, video game rooms, swimming pools, up to 3,700 rooms and, if that were not enough, a small church where you could celebrate your own wedding.

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