Do You Still Think That Crypto Can Make You Wealthy?


It’s no news that we are in a huge bear market moment where a lot of us are wishing we didn’t HODL, some of us are wishing we sold at the peak, but unfortunately how do you know the peak? Most of our portfolios are down more than 90%, thinking about it, what if you took profit at what you thought was going to be the peak, but unfortunately it wasn’t the peak, the crypto market went ahead to increase more and the value of your asset that you took profit too early for is worth more.

Looking at the crypto space, a lot of people have quit in the crypto space and honestly speaking, I won’t blame them. Imagine earning $30 daily in the crypto space during the bull market, now in the bear market you are earning less than $2 a day and nothing seems to make sense to you anymore, slowly you start question your existence in the crypto space. You start asking yourself questions like, am I wasting my time here? Should I be here? Remember in the bear market when we make jokes of working in McDonald’s whenever we see any bitcoin tank, well, it has turned to reality for a lot of people as they have gone back to getting an offline job to survive while they wait for the crypto market to come back to his bull pump again. I won’t blame these guys, because, in as much as we believe in the crypto future, we can’t deny the fact that we are in the present and we are living in the present. People need to survive in the present, hence, the reason they need to look for a way to survive now so they can keep hoping for the future. if you pull a crypto investors or crypto enthusiast and ask them right now if they still believe in the future of crypto making them wealthy or a millionaire, they will probably say yes but that are more focused on surviving the bear market right now.

Its been one hell of a roller coaster recently, look at the hive space for instance, in the Leofinance blogging space, the rate of at which bloggers dish out post has drastically reduced, for obvious less pay out reason. No one is talking about making wealth in this crypto space, suddenly every where is quite on how you can create wealth in this crypto space, but wait for the bull market and watch how everyone is start bombarding us with the creating wealth gospel in the crypto space, me included. I still believe that crypto can make you wealthy if you are doing the right thing, the fact we are in a bear market doesn’t mean this is the end of the world, if you zoom out you will see that we have come a long way. When in doubt, zoom out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I do too
So much potential here
