How Do You Feel When You Spend Above Your Budget

Being an adult is knowing that you are all you have and you have to be financially responsible for all your spendings, an unexpected credit alert a day can change your whole mood the entire day and an unexpected debit alert a day can ruin your mood for that day. I am sure we can all relate to this as every adult is one wrong spending away from either going homeless or staying without food. Everyday I wake up, I try not to think of the amount I will spend that day, be it in food, groceries, transportation, miscellaneous or unexpected events like your bestfriend, family, partner or spouse needing money from you.

Before this week started, I thought I had bought enough groceries that would last me till next week, this way I won’t see any need to spend any money, so I can save up some money for other things, like a vacation or getting myself a new phone or whatsoever. But then, my sister called me to give her some money, with my sister, I dont lend her money, because she is my sister, I have to give it to her without expecting her to return it. Immediately, I thought to myself, so this is the only money I would be spending today right? Then few hours later, I started a conversation with a friend and remembered that I missed his birthday, we had a little chat and I decided to make it up to my friend for missing his birthday, so I decided to pay for his lunch. He chose pizza with wings, that is quite expensive in Nigeria though, but then, a promise is a promise, I have to fulfil that.

I paid for the lunch, how did I just go days without spending money only to spend all of them in a day, ironic thing about life, being an adult and spending on a budget. The funny thing about life as an adult is that no matter how much you try to avoid bills and spending, the more worried you would be. Have you ever realised how no matter how much you try to save some money, you end up spending it on something else, a necessity. That is life, if you spend above your budget irresponsibly then that is being irresponsible, but if you spend above your budget on responsibly, dont feel bad, you are being an adult.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


When I spend irresponsibly I go through the different stages of grief but in reverse 😄


i can totally relate, i make myself feel better by telling myself that if i didnt spend it, I will spend it on something else
