👋 Soy Minerva, una apasionada de la vida fitness, y quiero contarles un poco sobre mi emocionante viaje desde la Ciudad de México hasta la hermosa Vancouver. 🏔️✈️
I'm Diana Malenka, I am 25 years old and currently immersed in the world of Chemistry.
I live in the vibrant city of Vancouver.
Something about me is that I find solace in the delicate balance between the complexities of molecules and the allure of the natural world.
I'm in a transitional phase,where nothing seems absolutely congruent about me.
Each day there's something to learn about myself and there's something to work on. Life is transient and I'm living my life as such.
Soy una persona cariñosa, amable, familiar, amiga de los amigos, me gusta el café, la repostería, la cocina, las manualidades, la naturaleza, las mascotas.