Distributed Shopping Through Open Reward Systems! dStors is a place to connect with willing buyers and sellers of used and new goods and services. Transactions and interactions with dStors.com earns you the STORS cryptocurrency which are points you can exchange for merch.
Founder and Management of @worldmappin Project (former Pinmapple)
world traveler & yogateacher, profiler & trainer that loves adventures, photography, streetart & music + former member of @hivebuzz team
Dropped a few pawns to capture the knight,
Castle with Districts & limp in connect rights,
Pimpin' got the fight,
We in like the light,
Can't stop the inner sight,
Watch whales start to bite...
Passionate Witness for Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. Founder: Minnow Support Project, MSPWaves, Keychain, Hive-Engine, and Splinterlands. Disfavors government and fiat.