Bugfix & Changes: Bro Bang Version 0.8.36 | Smoke is back & regulated


I prepare the next update for Bro Bang. And because the rain & thunderstorm is pretty hard here, I better write a report about now - but I hope I can still do a little work on further things. Always a risk to have the internet antenna coupled to the net when we have thunderstorms... However...

All changes described in this post will be published with the next Bro Bang update (Version 0.8.36) Sunday night / Monday morning.

• Smoke is back - in a adapted way
OG players of Bro bang know that there was smoke coming out of the machine as soon as the game machine received enough damage. Within a update version the smoke accidently disappeared because I moved the whole room, but not the smoke spawning point.

I relocated the smoke spawning positions. Now the smoke will appear again.

There was some complaints about "I can't see thru the smoke and is is very hard to see the pins thru this. I made this a little more easy now, because I adapted the gravity component of the smoke particles a little. Now the smoke is going faster to the top. As a result less smoke should obstruct the view to the pins.

But there was a general unregulated aspect, I cared about today: the smoke prefabs wasn't deleted after a game session. So you maybe started a new round, but the smoke was still coming out of the machine. Just because I deleted the internal lists of where the smoke emitters spawned, but not the emitters itself. Solved now.

There is another major aspect I changed today, to regulate the top players and to give "normal" players better possibilities to reach higher rankings - but more on this in the event ranking post on @brobang Sunday night / Monday morning.

Do you have any questions? Have you discovered any bug or sub-prime behavior? Report it - and I'll reward your report. As well as constructive criticism.

Greetings from Paraguay!

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Rock 'n' Roll & Hive a great day!

Postings from me or CryptoCompany within the last 7 days:

LIL: Wooden HSBI Hut for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany or Design Images
Like Christmas and a birthday in one day! | Guess & win HSBI CryptoCompany
LIL: Street Banner & Trash Can (or Flower Pot) for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany
Looking for more manpower to manage & expand CryptoCompany's activities. | Join the team now!
From the life of an independent game dev... 5:00 a.m. - 6:07 a.m.
LIL: Wooden Hut & Sign for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany
LIL: Sword "Lord Diablo" for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When You Write About CryptoCompany
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LIL: 4 Chests for the Let's Make a Collage Community & When They Write About CryptoCompany



Posted using Neoxian City


@powerpaul! @edgerik Wants to spread Hope! so I just sent 1 HOP to your account on behalf of @edgerik.

Since we think the world can use more Hope, you can now already start spreading Hope yourself!

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